اللغة الإنجليزية

<< ⓕⓓⓐⓣ❤To my husband❤ⓐⓛⓗⓞⓑ >>

<< ⓕⓓⓐⓣ❤To my husband❤ⓐⓛⓗⓞⓑ >>

<< ⓕⓓⓐⓣ❤To my husband❤ⓐⓛⓗⓞⓑ >>To my husband

<< ⓕⓓⓐⓣ❤To my husband❤ⓐⓛⓗⓞⓑ >>

You are my love and my heart beats when I saw you
My soul need you
The eye longs for the consideration of you
The body requests hugs
They were always to Atptad? close
I don’t want to live without you
Attachment mercy on my heart
And lacrimal? descending
Let me tell you the thirst for your lips
I want you for me alone

<< ⓕⓓⓐⓣ❤To my husband❤ⓐⓛⓗⓞⓑ >>

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

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