اللغة الإنجليزية

آأريد مسسأعدتتكم

آأريد مسسأعدتتكم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
اتشرف بــأشترآكي فـي منتدآى سيدتـي ..
وآتمنى آني اقدمم لكم كل مالدي من آأفككار ..
آأنـأ عضضويه جديده
وآسـأل عن مدرسه آأنقلشش سسنه تحضيريه
وتكوون جنوب الريـاض مدرسسه انترنشيلون

شأكرين لكككم : ام ذكرئ ..

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

انتظر المساعده -انجليزي

انتظر المساعده

السلام عليكم

لو سمحتو عندي براجراف واريد مساعدتكم

في بعض النقاط والافكار

باسرع وقت

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

الدرس الثالث و والثلاثون من دروس الدوره

الدرس الثالث و والثلاثون من دروس الدوره

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

درس المفردات اللغويه : مايقوم به الجسد

يتنفس breathe

يتثائب yawn

يكح cough

يعطس sneeze

يتنهد sigh

غصه hiccough

يشخر snore

يتجشأ burp

يمضغ chew

صوت البطن في حالة الجوع rumble of stomach

يبلع swallow

يمص suck

يلعق lick

يعض bite

يرمش blink

يغمز wink

يقطب حاجبيه frown

يبتسم ابتسامه واسعه grin

يحمر الخد من الخجل blush

يبتسم smile

يضحك laugh

يبكي cry

ينتحب sob

يرتعش tremble

يرتجف(من البرد) shiver

يهتز (الجسد) shake

يتقيأ vomit / throw up

يتشمشم (مثل الكلب) sniff

يتعرق swea

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

Everybody,Somebody,Anybody and Nobody

Everybody,Somebody,Anybody and Nobody

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done

funny isnn’it

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

the Woman

the Woman


The woman I admire
wearing her attire
hiding her figure,
thus, curbing my desire..

The woman I desire
fearing the (hell) Fire
is diligent in her prayers
for the rewards of life hereafter…

The woman I encounter
is beyond bother
with the keen race
to beautify the face!

The woman I ask
from dawn to dusk
is busy with ALLAH
murmuring, subhan’allah, subhan’allah, subhana’allah

The woman I observe
certainly deserves
better respect
than what she expects

The woman I listen
is very, very stern
for her it is a must
to control one’s lust

But the Women I see
sad to say, most wear "minis"
alone I lament… "VIAGRA on heels"?
though they are not made for this!

The woman I met
boasting her beauty
most probably by surgery?
but does she know it is all temporary?

Hence, the woman I know
is advised to follow
the sunnah of our beloved Rasulullah
from head to toe….

The woman I judge
often bears a grudge
EQUALITY, she requests (or rather protests)
but please bear in mind ALLAH’S inquest!

The Women I hurt
please do not curse or smut
for it is better I warned
before all is gone….

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

اريد مساعدة من اخت متمكنة من الانجليزي ولها الاجر .. تعلم انجليزية

اريد مساعدة من اخت متمكنة من الانجليزي ولها الاجر ..

السلام عيكم ورحمة الله ..
أخباركم ..
كيف صحتكم ربي يسعدكم ..
بصراحة طالبتكم بخدمة ..
ولكن ان شاءالله يكون بمقداركم مساعدتي ,,
أولاً حاولت انضم لدورات التوفل لكن بما اني اسكن بمنطقة نائية استصعب علي الامر
الله المستعان ,,
ذهبت لمدرسة انجليزي لكن ربي يجزاها خير طريقة تدريسها لا تأهلني لدخولي لامتحان التوفل 🙁 ..
واليوم جئت اطلب منكم مساعدتي بتدريسي اللغة الانجليزي من مراجع خاصة بالتوفل على المسن ,,
لو مرتين بالاسبوع .. وبالاوقات اللي تناسبك ,, مستواي الحمدلله حلو بس ابي اطوورة زيادة ..
وشعرت بأنكن باذن الله اهل لذلك ..
أنتظر ردكم ربي يسعدكم ..
اغلقت كل الطرق امامي ولم يتبقى سوى ذلك ..
الله يجزاكم خير ,,

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

Hi…..girls learn how to live

Hi…..girls learn how to live

The future belongs to those

who believe
in the beauty for their dreams

enjoy life, this
is not
a rehearsal

think highly of
the world takes
at your own

Don’t fear
ror pressure is
what turns rough stones

live each day
in the pressent
and make it

Believe that your life is
worth living
and your beliefs will help create
the fact

wherever you go, take
your whole heart

if you love life, life will love you back

heal the past
live the pressent
dream the future

Don’t count the days
make the
days count

the key to happiness
is having dreams
the key to success
is making dreams come true

the world is like a mirror
if you face it
it smiles right back

happiness is not having what you want
it’s wanting what you have

learn to listen, Opportunity
sometimes knocks
very softly

life would be infinitely happier
if we could only be
born at the age of
and gradually appoarch

good times
become good
bad times
become good

it’s not only the scenery
you miss
by going too fast

success is to get what you want
luck is to keep what you get

I look to the future
that’s where I’m going to spend
the rest of my life

people are lonely because
they build walls
instead of bridges

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

save me -انجليزي

save me

Enough words

Enough tears

No more fears

Or un known motions

what’s the point of this grief

Or these homeless fears

Is it the joy of sorrow

Or am i too frail

Used to write what i feel

Now only blood can describe my pain

I know only one year and you’ll be gone

But, even though you’ll be in my.f……… heart

….i guess this what we can call it the pain of love……

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

الي تبي برزنتيشن تتفضل

الي تبي برزنتيشن تتفضل

سلام عليكم

كيف الحال
عساكم بخير


الحين وقت البرزنتيشن

حد منهم عاد مخلص من هذي المهمه >> مثلي مفتكه

فاليوم جبت لكم مواضيع حلوة للبرزنتيشن

اتمنى تستفيدون منها و تنال اعجابكم






Water turtles
I love turtles and turtle as a slow-moving turtles are divided into two categories : show and water and feed mainly on tortoise plant and the erosion of all the things that made, for example, have a T. soon : fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs, bread and the like.

The problem of environmental pollution has become a serious threat to mankind b fleeting but threatens the lives of all living organisms and plants It has emerged this problem as a result of the industrial and Els the sovereignty of the population over the years and environment pollution in Maan uh includes extensive pollution of the biosphere Bbah and lead to Tel % pw environmental organisms, such as microbes Bakt Rayya, viruses and fungi that also includes pollution of chemotherapy of the environment and lead to the pollution of the environment sprayings chemicals and gases and waste of factories and many m n chemicals have radioactivity This leads to Tallow radioactivity of the environment..

February a sacrd month for all the kuwaitis many reasons.First becaus it is the month of our independence secondly,it is the month our libretion after the iraqe occapation so our wise government held an economis festival last february to mark that holy occasion.In that festivel,all the big markets,supermarkets and big companis that happy occation the after prizes,descouts and competitions on ther products and good it turned out to be a cuitural and economis and social ceremony as culturad debates and discussuins were hild with great poets,writers and businessmen.That festival flourish the touristis and in that sacred economis aspects inside our country.We hope that fistivel will be hold every year in that sacred and beloved month "February".

Hala February … In Hala February people celebrated the occasion of the independence of the investigation R. Kuwait at the date of February 26 and 25 in this Dispose Et Hbun people to the parks to enjoy the feast of national and all the people go to the march in the holiday home j and sprays used to play with each other and fall of march in all places in the State of Kuwait but more Allen PSV go to the Gulf Street to celebrate …
All people want to enjoy a clothing and watches the distinctive and I would prefer to use brands Chopard in confusion and hours and all the things that these top model is Almmi 34th me and I also loved the costumes and accessories of Vaglb I wear accessories are brands Chopard These are some pictures of hours that I love every single one of us preferred brands and loves to wear in clothes and all things

Apple trees fruitful trees of pink and platoon Altva h word derived from the Persian word Tuta, also called the comfortable. There is merit in the apples is to remove fatigue. There are many benefits of apples, such as : – washes and boosted periodontal dentistry. 2-reduces the rates of cholesterol in the human body. 3 – concludes the human body of poisons. and the fruit of apple them feature in attacking viruses. 4-apples protects the rights of infection by avoiding it j helped digestion. 5-apple fruit containing large 30% of the total of fiber, and Hohad minimum daily amount needed by the c cm rights.

sweets and the best kinds of imported delicacies from Bahrain, and sweets made in the events that imports of candy shops in Bahrain from Chuitar are the colors of Hilo j are colored red, green, and the sweets Aman Ihmmezh verified Omani sweets reputation within the range Outside the country, known as a symbol of generosity and consented only hall and now love distribute the sweets for girls…

Kuwait is a beautiful country. And the features of the State of Kuwait beautiful and many of them : the Kuwait towers-city entertainment and zoo. The State of Kuwait is a good and safe person who comes to Kuwait and says they love become his second. For example, all go to a place we see people from other countries operate in Kuwait. Because of Kuwait give them salaries strong. Finally, I want to say that Kuwait is a good country and respects other people.

The English language
English language useful and easy life. And I love the English language, because they help us in many things. Including : If we went to the foreign language often tells us to understand and talk with them. English-language became the first world and the most widespread in the world. And-English language of science and scientific research. And a lot of things. There is also a lot of interest for the English language is :-a reply to the campaigns of distortion through the use of language. B-refute misconceptions and misperceptions about Arabs and Arab-Islamic culture. C-use of the English language in the dissemination of the Islamic religion and Arab-Islamic culture. Finally d learning English helps in raising a good citizen who defends the values and ideals of the nation, and religion.

Shopping important thing for me because I love shopping and going to parks and pools. Not all markets I love, but some of the more something is : marinas financed and east. All the people who prefer shopping in order to enjoy the holiday and change the atmosphere. And I like to go to the market even bought some of the things such as : shoe-bags – Scharfe Many of the things. Finally shopping makes flexible spirit and sports.

There are many languages and many in the world, including : Arabic, English, French, Chinese language, and many languages, but we prefer the Arabic language, and every human being preferred language is distinctive and I am the Arabic language is the language of Islam and the Koran, and all Arab countries speaks Arabic, and Arabic language easy for us, and a lot of people learning Arabic say it it is often easy, and every person and every nation with the language of choice and learned and learn Arabic like us because we preferred to say. Thank you girls …

Television is agood means of fun and small village.Television plays agreat part in our life.It is the outcome of modern science and tachnology.It has become agood means of communication and interinment.Through television,we get attached.We get attached to the world.It makes the world asmall village,Thanked to television,We can get in touch with to date current events all over the word television has also become a useful educational mesns we use it in scools and universities to make useful programs for ouir students.But television is a double edge weapon.It can waste our time of is misused.It can harm our eyes and skins due to the ultra violet rays it produces it can also show bad and undesirble programs wich are against our valuse and traditions.To use T.V logically and resonanly to get the almost benefil.

UAE. The United States of the Gulf which states that if I went out to enjoy it. UAE and many good people there and many of them good qualities and ornamental objects. Characterized Emirates lute, and they want many things. The people of the State of Kuwait loves Emirates often because there has a beautiful markets and festivals and places of entertainment. Disregarding linked with Kuwait than things, but I can enumerate it many. and I better to go in vacation time.

Nature.Nature beautiful and I like to think that I have this picturesque everywhere. And of course the nature of God is that He bestowed on us. There nature in many places and often see in the beautiful gardens and consists of flowers and the beautiful mountains and enjoy the atmosphere and send our own comfort and reassurance.
street road accidents
Every day we hear about car accidents.People are killed or injuured in thes road accidents.Careless and rash drivers their cars carelessly so they cause accidents.Some irresponsoble drivers and young people drive the car so fast that can’t cantrol thier cars.They don’t resoect traffic rules regulations.Governments should punish these careless drivers severely.


I love sports and many of them: the first sport is basketball is a game of sports, plays in the game two tries each to make the largest number of points. In each group there are five players, and they are divided on several points. The second is the sport football. The football one of the most common sports in the world and the oldest. The nature of play is involved in the game, two each consisting of one each of the eleven players (ten players, and guard goalkeeper). I love sports.

ان شاء الله تقولن الي يسركم


لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده

اللغة الإنجليزية

بنات الميداني خصوصا طالبات اللغه الانجليزيه تعالوا هنا

بنات الميداني خصوصا طالبات اللغه الانجليزيه تعالوا هنا

مساء الخير حبايبي

انا سنه رابعه ادب انجليزي

وبعد اسبوعين راح يبدا التطبيق بالميداني في المدارس الثانويه

ابي هالموضوع يكون مرجع لي ولكل طالبات الميداني
نعطي بعض افكار حلوه ونسرد مواقفنا ويومياتنا واللي سبق لها التطبيق تعطينا اساليب التدريس اللي كانت تتبعها
اتمنى يكون فيه تفاعل
واكون شاكره لكم

لقراءة ردود و اجابات الأعضاء على هذا الموضوع اضغط هناسبحان الله و بحمده